The relation between the cavity length and the pump power can be established by observing the spot pattern. 按此腔型搭建谐振腔后,通过直接观察激光器输出光斑的形状就可获得腔长与抽运功率的关系;
Each man took turns slowly pushing the stone, while continuously observing the fringe pattern. 每人轮流缓慢地推动石头座使其旋转,同时连续地观察条纹图样。
The prototype pattern is revised by observing the different shape of female's upper body, and the new bra pattern is designed for different female. 摘要通过观察相同胸围女性上身形体,修正女装原型基础纸样,探讨适合不同上身体形的文胸设计基础纸样。
Diagnostic Value of Ultrasonography for Observing Endometrial Thickness and Three-line Pattern in Ectopic Pregnancy Expression of substance P in endometrium from endometriosis model rats and the changes of pain threshold before and after operation 超声子宫内膜厚度及三线征变化在宫外孕诊断中的价值P物质在子宫内膜异位模型大鼠子宫内膜组织中的表达及造模前后痛阈的变化
After directly shooting soil and concrete targets using ballistic guns and observing the status of the targets, acceleration curves during penetration were obtained and the penetration pattern analysed. 采用火炮发射动能弹直接撞击土壤混凝土复合靶,通过观测试验后的弹靶状态,回放弹载加速度存储仪,获得弹丸在侵彻过程中的加速度曲线。
What is called gender consciousness refers to: observing the social politics, economy, culture and environment from the view angle of gender, carrying out the gender analyse and gender layout, at last preventing and overcoming the pattern and act going against two genders development. 所谓性别意识,指的是:从性别的视角观察社会政治经济文化和环境,对其进行性别分析和性别规划,以便防止和克服不利于两性发展的模式和举措。
Spectrometer method for observing interference pattern of equal inclination 用分光计观察入射角变化时的等倾干涉图样
Data analysis and international comparison are extensively exploited in this paper. Through observing the general law of the world, the research draws the conclusion of the feature and influence factors of China's APT pattern. 论文主要采用实证研究的方法,在数据分析和国际比较的基础上,对中国农产品贸易格局的特征和影响因素进行了研究。
In our present study, on the base of observing the expression pattern of c-ski mRNA during normal cell cycle progression, by using c-ski gene transfection into skin fibroblast, we observed the changes of cell viability, cell cycle progression and cell cycle protein expression. 在观察正常成纤维细胞周期c-ski表达的时相特点的基础上,通过体外转染c-ski,观察它对细胞增殖活性、细胞周期进展以及周期蛋白表达的影响。
By observing the macrocosmic and microcosmic state of the test specimens, the ablation pattern of inhibitor was put forward and ablation mechanism was analyzed. 通过对试验后绝热材料试件的表观和微观状态分析,提出了过载条件下绝热层的烧蚀模式,并分析了其烧蚀机理,获得了试验条件下影响绝热层烧蚀的平均颗粒直径。
By testing, observing, analyzing, and studying these problems, the results are obtained as follow. ( 1) With the point source drip irrigation, soil wetting pattern is influenced by the relation between dripper discharge and soil infiltration intensity. 点源滴灌条件下,土壤湿润区形状本质上是受滴头流量与土壤入渗速度之间的相互关系影响。
Because observing patterns to be recognized from multiple sensors can well and truly reflect the features of them, eliminate the uncertainty of the information. Pattern recognition methods based on information fusion have already been one of the development trends of pattern recognition field. 从多传感器视角观察待识别模式能够完整准确的反映模式特征,消除观察信息的不确定性,因此,基于信息融合的模式识别方法已成为模式识别的发展趋势之一。
Video observation: Observing ten coaches 'training videos' expression and behavioral pattern from their training contents, organizational forms, methods and features. 录像观察法,通过语言表述和行为方式观察10位教练员训练课的内容、组织形式、方法及特点。